Turbo Madness

Concept - Design - Programming - Level Design

Roman Wecker

The Backstory

I developed the Android game Turbo Madness while still at school in a seminar entitled 'Android App Development'. Within 2 months, I developed the entire game and published it on the Google Play Store. I also wrote a seminar paper about the challenges of development, which was awarded as the best seminar paper in the field of computer science. Get it on Google Play
Turbo Madness offers 10 unique and beautifully designed maps, as well as 10 different cars, each with its own acceleration, maximum speed and handling. Right from the start, you can play every single map. The 10 maps are divided into 3 difficulty groups: easy, medium and hard. After 3 driven rounds you get a number of stars depending on how fast you were. In the shop you can spend your stars on new cars or collect them. You can also earn achievements by completing certain tasks. The language can be adjusted in the settings.