Homemade Game Console

Concept - Design - Electronics - Programming

Roman Wecker

The Backstory

For quite some time I dreamed of building my very own mobile game console. And here it is! I have never done anything with electronics before, so I had to familiarize myself with it and then select the right components for my build. All components are placed inside a custom 3D printed housing. I created the housing using Autodesk Fusion 360 for the first time. The case was painted with two layers of car paint and three layers of acrylic paint. This homemade portable game console is powered by an Arduino Nano, two 8x8 LED dot matrices, a PSP control stick and two buttons. The 'operating system' was developed using C, which is the primary programming language for Arduino.

The console features three classic titles: Snake, Space Shooter and Pong. The game library can be easily expanded.

I made the project open source so anyone interested can rebuild it.