
Level Design - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Roman Wecker

The Backstory

I started mapping in 2016 and spent a lot of time learning about level design. Even though Blossom is the first map I have ever published, I have worked on several maps before. It's not an easy task to create a map for a competitive game, because the map has to be balanced so that no team is at a disadvantage while at the same time it has to be visually convincing. The creation of a map is the result of many playtests. Countless revisions after playtests are necessary to develop a competitively viable map.

The map de_blossom started out from a private mapping contest between me and my best friend. After I had blocked out an interesting BSP level, we both set a deadline of one week to turn it into a polished level. Blossom is the result of what I achieved within 6 days.

But that was only the beginning. After I uploaded my first ever map to the Steam Workshop, numbers started to explode. Within one week my map was promoted on the front page of the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Workshop. The numbers kept growing and at the peak of the maps lifecycle it had 4599 unique visitors and 3755 new subscribers per day. I also received a spot in the top ten maps published within 1 year. And still today, Blossom is listed on the top 7 page of best maps of all time, alongside other maps, which were already featured in-game.

By today the workshop page for my map has 56.447 unique visitors, 49.610 subscribers and 2.800 positives reviews out of 2.872 (97% positive reviews). The map also received 364 comments, 6 community threads and is featured in 325 map collections. Also the map received a web article and a review video and 2 dedicated fans even made their own interpretations of my map.

Months later, out of the blue, some random person added me on Steam. It turned out it was a Red Bull employee, who was interested to feature my map in an international Red Bull tournament. We partnered up and created an awesome map named 'Himalaya', which supports the tournaments custom gamemode.